Policies & Guidelines
We will start your notice from the time our office has been contacted by the parent or guardian. Telling your weekly teacher before/after/during a class does not count. You must contact our office. The final month's tuition will be prorated if applicable. Our school is a YEAR-ROUND program. Do not assume you will be dropped after a recital. Out of fairness to all our participants, this notice will not be waived for any reason.
To hold your spot during a break or vacation you must continue paying your monthly tuition. We do allow make-up classes upon your return. We cannot hold your spot while you are gone without payment. If you are intending to drop the class because of an extended absence, and there is a waiting list for that class, you will be expected to wait for the next available position upon your return. Makeups expire 30 days from the date of absence.
Make-ups for holiday closures - Only selected holidays on days that fall below the class average (4 in a month / 48 total for the year) will be eligible for a make-up class. We will include a note on closure reminders as to which holidays warrant a make-up visit. You will have 3 weeks to use your holiday make up time and then it will expire. We will invite you to use the makeups at times where the lesson planning and show deadlines are more flexible and allow for a less consistent class group. For example, Evolution Dance Studio will not hold makeups in June as a high percentage of class time will be spent on fine-tuning recital numbers. If an absence is eligible for a makeup, you will have 30 days from the absence date to make the class up. Makeups will expire 30 days from the absence date.
Performance Teams have a separate tuition structure and have additional, gear, and convention fees not listed here.
All new students are allowed ONE free trial class. If you want to try more than one class, you can pay for a single class provided there is a spot in the class. Trial classes only occur once a spot is available in that class. All details will be emailed to you before the trial classes. We will send a follow-up email after the trial with your official start date unless you decline the spot.
There is a $50 annual registration fee per student. This fee will be assessed on your anniversary month each year you are enrolled. The fee includes all administrative fees and mandatory coverage for students. you drop and return after your anniversary date you will be charged again.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or Cash.
Classes are billed monthly. We require a credit card to be on file. Evolution Dance Studio will post tuition fees at the end of the month for the next month. We will auto-process payments on the 1st of the month. Those that may need a payment plan, please see an office manager. Most classes will have fees post monthly. Classes are ongoing. Should the 1st day of the month fall on a weekend or holiday, we will process payments the next business day. Private lessons will be billed differently.
Our classes are Monthly. If tuition is late a $30 fee will be added to your account.
To see full policies & guidelines, click here.